A rapidly changing, AI-driven world requires effective leaders and problem solvers.

The German Leadership Award provides impetus for the GLA European Leadership Center

Program at the Bildungscampus Heilbronn

  • Presentation of the German Leadership Award (GLA) at the Bildungscampus Heilbronn
  • Establishment of a "GLA European Leadership Center" at the educational campus in Heilbronn
  • Development of a leadership competence pool.
  • Conception and implementation of courses for students.
  • Development of training events.
  • Establishment of think tanks and working groups.
  • Implementation of mentoring programs
  • Interdisciplinary working meetings of managers and social leaders from all over the world

An initiative of the
Collège des Ingénieurs,
Paris, Munich, Turin

Summer School Leadership in the Digital Age

At the GLA Summer School, outstanding graduates from top European universities, predominantly from STEM subjects, develop their individual skills and knowledge as AI leaders. They are selected on the basis of their motivation, academic excellence and personality.
The Summer School develops specific innovative solutions, holistically integrated into the framework conditions of companies.

Knut Stannowski
Collège des Ingénieurs Germany, Munich

Maria Paz Millán Millán
GLA European Leadership Center gGmbH


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We are in the transition from the digital era to the AI era, with leadership increasingly characterized by the integration of AI technologies.

Leaders need to be agile and flexible to integrate the rapid development of AI and have a deep understanding of these technologies to make data-driven decisions.
Strong ethical accountability and fostering collaboration between humans and machines are crucial.
In addition, continuous learning and adaptation to new technologies is essential to foster innovation and creativity.
These approaches mark a shift from the traditional German corporate culture, which relied heavily on stability and hierarchy, to a more dynamic, technologically savvy and human-centered leadership.

The award winners characterize the German Leadership Award (GLA) in a particularly authentic way. For the past decade, the jury has been nominating exemplary leaders who introduce and implement leadership in their working environment in an innovative and successful way and bring the topic to the public in a particularly value-adding way.

The German Leadership Award emerged in 2014 from the annual alumni convention of the CDI, a training ground for young engineers and scientists in France, Germany and Italy, whose network was consolidated at the renowned Palais Biron business conference center in Baden-Baden-Baden.

After award ceremonies in Baden-Baden and from 2019 in Munich, the GLA will move to the Bildungscampus Heilbronn in 2024. In conjunction with a European summer school "Leadership in the Digital Age" of the European Leadership Center gGmbH, Munich / Heilbronn and the Collège des Ingénieurs Deutschland, Munich.


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Think Tank Leadership & Social Impact

The GLA Think Tank identifies pilot models worldwide in the field of social impact, which are offered a stage at the Heilbronn Education Campus through various event formats.

Partners of scientific excellence develop models and standards for optimizing social impact as a basis for decision-making for leaders, entrepreneurs and public sector managers.

Members of the Think Tank are leading personalities from business, science and the public sector who embody a special social mission and contribute a complementary international network.

AI Action Summit 2025 project workshop
We will provide you with more detailed information shortly!

AI Action Summer Heilbronn - 28 - 29.11.2024
AI Action Summer Paris - 24 - 25.01.2025
AI Action Summer Paris - 10 - 11.02.2025

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